Mary Wang’s Adeptiversary

by Katie Kamio 02/29/2024

Congratulations to Mary Wang, one of our amazing Data Research Scientists, on celebrating her 1-year Adeptiversary. We’re so grateful to have Mary as part of our team, and we’d love for you to get to know her better. Check out this interview to learn more about her journey with us:

  1. How did you find your way to AdeptID?

My journey to AdeptID was a natural progression fueled by my passion for solving Human Resources Management challenges using cutting-edge technology. I’ve always been fascinated by the potential of big data and AI to revolutionize traditional HR practices. It was during a moment of sharing my winning work at the Wharton People Analytics Student Case Competition, hosted at the New York City People Analytics Meetup, that I got connected to Brian and Fernando. They were in search of a Research Data Scientist – and our paths crossed.

Joining AdeptID has been a seamless blend of personal passion and professional opportunity. Here, I have the privilege of developing data science models that directly impact real-world workforce mobility. It’s an exciting journey that perfectly aligns my interests with my work, fueling my enthusiasm to drive meaningful change in HR management.

  1. What is one of your favorite memories from your time at AdeptID? 

One of my favorite memories from my time at AdeptID has to be the AdeptID Stable Marriage White Elephant event. As a company dedicated to matching, we decided to spice up our Christmas gift exchange by implementing the Stable Marriage matching algorithm. I was in charge of implementing and hosting it, and it was a blast! Thanks to the algorithm, everyone ended up with their top picks from their wish list.

What also made this event truly unforgettable was the gift I received – Clawdia, a live lobster! It was definitely the most memorable gift I’ve ever received, and it added a touch of whimsy to our already delightful celebration. However, since I work remotely, I couldn’t really keep Clawdia. While Clawdia’s time with us was short-lived, I am immensely grateful that our team member ensured her safe return to the wild where she truly belongs. I like to imagine her now, swimming freely and embracing the full extent of her lobster life in the vast ocean!

  1. What project at AdeptID are you most excited about? What has your impact been on this project? 

I’m particularly thrilled about the project involving the creation of a matching algorithm between students and job opportunities for training providers. My role has centered around designing data-driven and machine learning solutions to optimize the matching process based on various factors, with a key focus on students’ skills.

What truly excites me about this project is the tangible impact it has on our customers. Hearing from coaches at these training providers about the significant time they may save, allowing them to shift their focus from repetitive tasks to meaningful student coaching, is incredibly rewarding. These moments serve as a reminder of the value we bring to the world and reinforce my passion for AdeptID’s mission. They are what keep me motivated and energized in my work every day.

  1. What are you looking forward to in the future of AdeptID? 

We’re pioneering something entirely new, reshaping the landscape for recruiters, job-seekers, and student coaches, and more players in the labor market. What excites me most is the potential for our models to reach a broader audience and support a larger scale of customers.

I envision a future where our innovative solutions become even more integral to the recruitment process, empowering both employers and job-seekers with unparalleled insights and opportunities. As we continue to refine and expand our offerings, I look forward to seeing the widespread impact we can make and the positive changes we can bring to the world of talent acquisition and development.

  1. What is one of your favorite hobbies to do outside work? 

One of my favorite hobbies outside of work is indulging in musicals! While the opportunity to catch them in a theater might not come around as often as I’d like, I find the experience to be a captivating journey filled with music, emotions, and profound thoughts. As a testament to my love for musicals, my Spotify playlist is brimming with show tunes. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be “Company” by Steven Sondheim.

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